
What We Do

IWICS' primary goal is to create Beyond 4G™ wireless technology using Opportunity Driven Mulitple Access™ (ODMA™) to create the next generation of wireless communication devices that will produce significantly higher throughput and better coverage at a lower cost than current technologies. The mission of IWICS Inc. is to enable WIDENET™ service providers to deliver an affordable mobile broadband product that will make the wireless Internet accessible to millions of mobile Internet and telephone users.

IWICS' products provide the following hardware, software, and services that only ODMAEnabled™ networks can deliver:

High Performances: Products enable high speed over broadband connections with Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM)-like area coverage that existing technologies are unable to achieve.
User-Friendly Products: Products are compatible with current Internet applications and protocols and can utilize standard off-the-shelf hardware components. Products are smaller and less complex than current conventional mobile alternatives.
Resource Efficiency: ODMAEnabled products use extremely low power and thus produce longer battery life, are spectrally efficient, and generate little waste.
Safety: Because of the much lower transmission power requirements of an ODMA network, ODMAEnabled devices are less likley to raise consumer concerns, compared to conventional cellular devices.
Affordable Mobile Broadband: Products and services are considerably lower in cost than current conventional mobile alternatives. In addition, infrastructure costs are low.
Communication Access: ODMA products provide flexible, economical communication opportunities to potential users who currently do not have access to broadband information services.

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